Offer agreement for the site

By registering on the site (hereinafter referred to as the Site), as well as purchasing the services listed on the site, the User fully and unconditionally agrees with the provisions of this offer agreement, as well as other rules posted on the Site. In case of disagreement with the terms of this offer, the User undertakes to refrain from purchasing services and stop using the Site.

 Individual entrepreneur Mambetov Ramil Fanilovich (TIN 563103158075), hereinafter referred to as the Administrator, addresses this offer agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) to any individual, legal entity, as well as an individual entrepreneur (an indefinite circle of persons) who has expressed willingness to conclude this Agreement in order to use the Site and purchase of services, the list of which is published on the Site.

The Agreement, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public offer, the acceptance of the terms (acceptance) of which is the performance of the actions provided for by the Agreement.

 Within the framework of this agreement, acceptance means the User performing actions indicating the intention to use the functionality of the Site, including, but not limited to, such actions include registration of the User on the Site, payment for the Administrator's services.


 The terms of the Agreement govern the relationship between the Administrator and the Users and Admins contain the following definitions:

 Administrator - an individual entrepreneur Mambetov Ramil Fanilovich (TIN 563103158075), who has the legal right to provide services, the list of which is indicated on the Site, as well as to use and disseminate information located on the Site.

 User - a person who opened the page of the Site.

 Site - a resource of the Internet network at, containing information materials, as well as information about the services provided.
The Agreement may use terms that are not defined by the above concepts. In this case, the interpretation of such a term is made in accordance with the text of the Treaty. In the absence of an unambiguous interpretation of the term in the text of the Agreement, the Parties are guided by the interpretation of the term: first of all, as defined on the Site.


 1.1. This Agreement is an official public offer and contains all the essential conditions for the provision by the Administrator to all Users of information and consulting services, the list of which is indicated on the Site.

 1.2. The subject of this Agreement is the paid provision of information and consulting services by the Administrator at the choice of the User. The list of services is selected by the User by using the Site after passing the stage of registration of the User on the Site.

 1.3. By using the functionality of the Site, the User instructs, and the Administrator assumes the obligation to provide the User with the selected services.

 1.4. For the provision of services under this Agreement, the User pays the Administrator a fee in the amount, procedure and terms established by this Agreement.


 2.1. The administrator undertakes:

 2.1.1. To provide the User with services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the rules for the provision of services, based on the list of services selected by the User on the Site. Information about a specific service, its cost, the procedure for its provision, is indicated on the Site.

 2.1.2. Provide services to the User personally or with the involvement of third parties. The administrator guarantees that he has all the necessary rights and permissions to use the intellectual rights of third parties used in the provision of services.

 2.1.3. Provide services properly and on time.

 2.1.4. Keep confidential information received from the User when providing information and consulting services under this agreement.

2.1.5. Comply with the requirements of the law regarding the processing, transfer and protection of the User's personal data, subject to the provisions of the Privacy Policy posted on the Site.

 2.2. The user undertakes:

 2.2.1. Pay for the services of the Administrator in the manner, terms and conditions of this Agreement.

2.2.2. Transfer to the Administrator information and materials necessary for the Administrator to fulfill his obligations under this Agreement.

 2.2.3. Strictly adhere to and not violate the terms of the Agreement, the rules for the provision of services posted on the Site.

 2.2.4. Ensure the safety, as well as exclude the transfer to third parties, of the data obtained during the registration of the User.

 2.2.5. Do not reproduce, repeat, copy, sell, or use for any purpose the information and materials that have become available to him on the Site.

 2.2.6. Carefully study on the Site information about the Services, their cost, conditions and terms of their provision.

 2.2.7. After choosing a service, accepting this public offer and paying in full for information and consulting services, adhere to the established schedule of the training program, the goals and essence of completing the tasks of the Administrator, comply with the deadlines for completing homework, follow the recommendations and requirements of the Administrator as part of the provision of services under this agreement.

 2.2.8. Provide the Administrator with up-to-date information necessary for sending information materials to the User, as well as for prompt communication with the User as part of the provision of services under this agreement, namely: last name, first name and a valid mailbox.

 2.2.9. Comply with the rules of conduct and show respect for the Administrator, other participants in the training program.

 2.2.10. Do not record, distribute (publish, post on Internet sites, copy, transfer or resell to third parties) for commercial or non-commercial purposes the information and materials provided by the Administrator to the User under this agreement, create information products based on it in order to extract commercial profit , and use this information in any other way than for personal use.

 2.2.11. Do not transfer to third parties and ensure the confidentiality of access passwords to the personal account in the closed section of the Site and to the special software used to organize the services under this Agreement by the Administrator.

 2.2.12. Do not change in any way the software part of the Site, perform actions aimed at changing the functioning and performance of the Site.

 2.2.13. Adhere to the established schedule of the Course Program, the goals and essence of the Administrator’s tasks, comply with the deadlines for completing tasks, comply with the recommendations and requirements of the Administrator as part of the provision of the Services under this Agreement

2.3. The administrator has the right:

 2.3.1. Receive from the User any information necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. In case of failure to provide, or incomplete or incorrect provision of information by the User, the Administrator has the right to suspend the performance of its obligations under this Agreement until the necessary information is provided.

 2.3.2. Receive remuneration for the provision of services under this Agreement.

 2.3.3. Suspend or terminate registration, as well as restrict the User's access to the services of the Site, if the Administrator reasonably believes that the User is engaged in illegal activities, violates the terms of this Agreement and the rules of the Site.

 2.3.4. Change unilaterally the schedule for posting training material, conducting feedback and other consultations, without changing the established frequency of their conduct, as well as changing and supplementing the content of lessons and tasks for the User.

2.3.5. Demand from the User conscientious fulfillment of the obligations assumed, respectful attitude towards other participants of the course and towards the Administrator personally.

 2.3.6. Unilaterally change and supplement the terms of this agreement, without prior agreement with the User, while ensuring the publication of the amended terms on the website at the address:, at least 3 (three) days prior to their entry into force.

 2.3.7. Unilaterally terminate this Agreement in the event of a significant violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement, manifestation of aggression or disrespectful attitude. In this case, the funds paid by the User under this agreement are non-refundable and are a penalty for the actions of the User. A material violation of the terms of this Agreement means any violation of copyrights regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation "On Copyright".

2.3.8. Engage third-party Experts to provide services in accordance with this agreement. At the same time, the Administrator is not responsible for the illegal actions of third parties in the provision of services under this agreement, but makes every effort to ensure the protection of the rights and interests of the User.

 2.3.9. The Administrator has the right to go to court in case of violation by the User of any rights, resulting in real damage to the Administrator, as well as in case of illegal use by the User of any element of the Site for profit.

 2.4. The user has the right:

 2.4.1. Receive services from the Administrator in accordance with this Agreement.

 2.4.2. require the Administrator to comply with the terms of this Offer.

 2.4.3. use the services without interfering with or disrupting the work of the Administrator;

 2.4.4. use the services in such a way as not to create inconvenience for other Users and the Administrator;

 2.4.5. refuse services and request a refund by notifying the Administrator.

 2.4.6. Apply for a refund of the paid funds within 7 (seven) calendar days from the start of training (gaining access to lessons) in accordance with the rules established by this agreement.

 2.4.7. Independently make decisions on the advisability of using the advice and recommendations proposed by the Administrator in your life.


3.1. The Administrator's remuneration is calculated based on the cost of a specific service indicated on the Site for each type of service. The scope of services depends on the conditions of the product and service package purchased by the User.

 3.2. The Administrator's remuneration is paid in Russian rubles, excluding VAT due to the use of a simplified taxation system.

 3.3. Payment for the services of the Administrator is made using the service for accepting payments on the Internet. The form of payment for services is posted on the Site.

 3.4. The User's access to the services, information about which is posted on the Site, is provided subject to 100% prepayment of the Administrator's remuneration, in the manner and in the manner specified in this Agreement, on the Site or otherwise communicated to the user.

 3.5. The Administrator reserves the right to cancel the provision of services to the User, while the Administrator is not obliged to return the paid fee in case the User violates the rules of this Agreement. These violations are the publication by the User in the comments or otherwise of information prohibited by this Agreement or the legislation of the Russian Federation, including inciting ethnic conflicts, the use of obscene language or other insults to other Users, the Administrator, as well as third parties involved in the provision of the service, as well as the publication information that does not relate to the subject of the training or the publication of promotional information.

3.6. The Administrator reserves the right to cancel the User's access to the provision of services if it is established that he transfers the details received during registration to third parties, as well as if the User disseminates information and materials received by him in the process of providing services. The use of information and materials is allowed only for personal purposes and for the personal use of the User. The User's access to the provision of services is provided for no more than one listener (user) for each individual access.

 3.7. When paying for services by a third party in the interests of the User, in particular a legal entity, you should contact the Administrator directly to conclude the relevant Agreement or invoice-contract in paper form.

 3.8. Refunds for services that have not yet been rendered are made on the basis of a written application from the User sent to the mail — The refund of the User's funds is made within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment the Administrator receives the application. Refunds are made in the amount of the remuneration received, minus the expenses incurred by the Administrator (for example, bank commission).

3.9. An application for a refund is made in writing with the obligatory signature of the User and the date of the application. To process a return, you must specify the following data: full name and email address specified when placing an order; name of the Service (training, service package); order date; payment information; reasons for refusing services, as well as confirmation of the payment made.

 3.10. The moment of providing services online is the fact of providing access to an online event. The moment of provision of offline services is the fact of the end of the event. Services are considered rendered properly and in full, if within 3 (three) business days from the end of the term for the provision of services, the User has not filed a claim with the Administrator.

 3.11. Method of payment under the Agreement: payment by bank card using the Robokassa payment system. After ordering the Service, the User is redirected to the payment system service, where the User can pay for the Service in any convenient way from the options offered by the system.

 3.12. The moment of payment is considered the receipt of funds to the account of the Administrator.

 3.13. The User is solely responsible for the errors that he made when paying for the Services. The Administrator is not responsible for losses and other adverse consequences that the Administrator and / or third parties may experience in case of incorrect indication of the purpose of payment


 4.1. All information materials, including those published on the Site in the public domain, are the intellectual property of the Administrator, or the intellectual property of third parties, the permission to use which has been legally obtained by the Administrator. Granting access to the User to information materials in the process of using the Site or providing services does not imply permission to copy, distribute these information materials. Violation of the procedure for using information materials implies a unilateral refusal by the Administrator to provide the service without a refund of remuneration, followed by blocking the User's account. The administrator reserves the right to collect a fine for violation of the procedure for using information materials in the amount of 100,000 rubles for each violation.

4.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their other obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall bear other liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

 4.3. Neither Party will be liable for the full or partial failure by the other Party of its obligations if the failure is the result of force majeure circumstances, such as: fire, flood, earthquake, strikes and other natural disasters, war and hostilities or other circumstances, beyond the control of the Parties, hindering the implementation of this Agreement, arising after the conclusion of the Agreement. If any of these circumstances directly affected the failure to fulfill the obligation within the period specified in the Agreement, then this period is proportionally postponed for the duration of the relevant circumstance.

 4.4. The Administrator does not assume responsibility for the discrepancy between the result of the provision of services and the expectations of the User. The administrator is not responsible for technical interruptions in the operation of equipment and software. However, the Administrator undertakes to take all reasonable measures to prevent such interruptions.

 4.5. The liability of the Administrator is limited to the amount of remuneration received for each service rendered.


 5.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the Parties will be resolved through negotiations. For the parties, a mandatory claim procedure for resolving the dispute is provided. The claim procedure will be considered complied with if the party having a claim sends a reasoned claim to the other party indicating specific requirements. The term for consideration of the claim is 30 days.

 5.2. If disputes are not resolved during the negotiation process, disputes are subject to consideration under the jurisdiction of the Administrator.

 6. Conditions and procedure for the return of funds

 6.1 Refunds are made by the Administrator at the request of the User sent to the mail - no later than 7 (seven) calendar days from the start of training according to the schedule (or gaining access to lessons), minus actual costs administrator at the time of return.

6.1.1 Such actual costs of the Administrator include (but are not limited to), in particular, the commissions of banking, credit organizations and relevant payment systems for making a refund, the cost of the training materials provided to the User, the Classes organized by the Administrator and other online meetings, even if the User does not used materials, as well as the cost of bonus materials.

 6.2 The funds are returned to the User's account from which the tuition was paid, or to another account specified by the User, within 5 (five) working days after the decision on the return is made.

 6.3. The Administrator reserves the right to reject the User's request for a refund if the User shows disrespectful attitude towards the Administrator or other participants of the training Programs.

 6.4 Access to training materials for the User is terminated within 1 (one) business day from the date the Administrator sends a message to the User about the corresponding return. The specified requirement of the User for a refund is also considered a withdrawal of this Acceptance.

 6.5 In the event that the User completed the full training on time and completed all homework, but did not find his First Client, the User has the right to request a refund of the full cost of the course from the Administrator. And the Administrator undertakes to check the fact that all work has been completed and test the User in order to verify the fact of passing and completing all tasks. If the User has passed all the checks, the Administrator undertakes to return the full cost of the Course paid by the User.


 7.1. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by agreement of the Parties.

 7.2. The Administrator has the right to terminate this Agreement and terminate the User's access to the services of the Site unilaterally at any time and for any reason at its discretion, as well as in case of violation by the User of any of the conditions specified in this Agreement.


8.1. By making payment for services, the User confirms his agreement with the terms of this Agreement and the rules for the provision of specific services. The User guarantees that he has the technical ability to use the services of the Administrator.

8.2. The possibility of canceling / postponing the date of the provision of services is set by the Administrator independently. The Administrator is not liable to the User for non-fulfillment and / or improper fulfillment of his obligations in connection with the cancellation or postponement of the date through no fault of the Administrator, about which the User was informed on the Site or in any other way in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

 8.3. The Administrator's site may contain links to other Internet resources. By accepting the Offer, the User agrees that the Administrator is not responsible for the availability of these resources and their content, as well as for any consequences associated with the use of the content of these resources.

 8.4. The Parties acknowledge that if any of the provisions of the Agreement becomes invalid during the term of its validity due to changes in legislation, the remaining provisions of the Agreement are binding on the Parties during the term of the Agreement.

 8.5. By accepting this Agreement, the User confirms that he has read and agrees with the privacy policy posted on the Site.

 8.6. By accepting the terms of this Offer, the User expresses his consent to receive information about all other Services, access to participation in which is given by the Administrator, regardless of the validity period of this Agreement, provided that such consent can be revoked by the User at any time by sending an appropriate request to the Administrator .

 8.7. Everything that is not regulated by the provisions of this Agreement and the rules posted on the Site, regarding each service, is permitted by using the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

 9. Responsibility

9.1. The Administrator is not responsible for the impossibility of providing services to the User for reasons beyond the control of the Administrator, namely: violation of the Internet, equipment or software by the User. In this case, the services are considered to be rendered properly and payable in full.

 9.2. No information, materials and / or advice provided by the Administrator as part of the provision of services under this agreement can be considered as a guarantee. Making decisions based on all the information provided by the Administrator is in the exclusive competence of the User. The User assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of information and materials provided by the Administrator as part of the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

 9.3. The Administrator does not guarantee the absolute uninterrupted provision of services under this agreement, despite the fact that the Administrator takes all possible measures to prevent the above. In the event of an unsatisfactory quality of the Internet connection, stable operation of the Software is not guaranteed, in which case it may be difficult or impossible to receive services under this agreement.

9.4. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement for the duration of force majeure. During this time, the parties do not have mutual claims, and each of the parties assumes its own risk of the consequences of force majeure. The Administrator is obliged to notify the User of the occurrence of such circumstances by posting information on the Site and / or to the e-mail box indicated by the User when making the payment, and the User is obliged to send the Administrator to the mail, indicating the subject “Force major. By force majeure circumstances (force majeure) the Parties understand: fire, flood, earthquake, strikes and other natural disasters, war and hostilities, the entry into force of regulatory legal acts and acts of law enforcement that impede the fulfillment of obligations, forced urgent (unscheduled) hospitalization, documented, if the above circumstances are beyond the control of the Parties, impede the implementation of this agreement and arose after the conclusion of this agreement. The User's lack of time for any reason to complete the training program, being on vacation, business trip, non-payment for Internet access, breakdown of the Internet access means are not force majeure circumstances (force majeure).

 9.5. The total liability of the Administrator under this agreement for any claim or claim in relation to the agreement or its performance is limited to the amount of the payment paid to the Administrator by the User. In this case, only real damages, but not lost profits, can be recovered from the Administrator.

 10. Personal data and their use

 10.1. By providing the information necessary for the provision of the Services, the User provides the Administrator with his personal data. By accepting the Offer, using the Personal Account on the Getcourse Platform, the User expresses his consent to the processing of personal data transferred by him in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data" on the terms of the Privacy Policy of the Administrator.

10.2. The processing of personal data means the recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer to third parties (distribution, provision, access), including cross-border transfer to third parties, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data that do not fall under special categories, the processing of which, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, requires the written consent of the User.

 10.3. The processing of personal data is carried out in order to fulfill the obligations of the Administrator under this agreement, provide the User with feedback when using the Site, training programs, video courses, as well as for the purpose of sending information and advertising messages to the email address specified by the User during registration (clause 10.6 of this contracts).

 In addition, the processing of personal data is carried out to improve the services of the Administrator based on the analysis of this information, as well as to detect, prevent, mitigate the consequences and investigate fraudulent or illegal actions in relation to the Site and the training program as an object of the Administrator's intellectual rights.

 10.4. The User may at any time revoke consent to the processing of personal data by sending the Administrator a relevant notice to At the same time, the User understands and acknowledges that the withdrawal to the processing of personal data may require the deletion of any information relating to the User's participation in the training program, including the deletion of the User's account in the closed section of the Site and the termination of access to the materials of the purchased course.

 10.5. The User agrees to receive newsletters and promotional materials from the Administrator, or from other persons on behalf of the Administrator, to the email address specified by the User when registering on the Site.

Consent to receive newsletters and promotional materials may be revoked by the User at any time by sending the appropriate notice to the Administrator at

 10.6. The User is fully aware that as a result of certain circumstances (for example, posting and discussing the learning outcomes achieved by the User in the Chat), the User's personal data may become available to other persons

 11. Copyright protection

 11.1. The Site contains the results of intellectual activity belonging to the Administrator, its affiliates and other related parties, representatives, all other persons acting on behalf of the Administrator.

 11.2. By using the Site, the User acknowledges and agrees that all the content of the Site and the structure of the content of the Site are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and that these rights are valid and protected in all forms, on all media and in relation to all technologies, both currently existing and developed or created subsequently.

No rights to any content of the Site, including, but not limited to, audiovisual works, text and graphic materials, computer programs, do not transfer to the User as a result of using the Site and entering into this agreement.

 11.3. When quoting the materials of the Site, if it is expressly provided for by the functions of the Site, the User undertakes to indicate a link to the Site.

 11.4. In the event that the User violates the provisions of this agreement regarding the protection of the copyright of the Administrator, the latter has the right to demand compensation for all losses incurred, including lost profits.

 12. Final provisions

 12.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of acceptance by the User in accordance with clause 1.3. agreement and is valid until the full fulfillment of obligations by the parties.

 12.2. All disputes and disagreements between the parties are resolved through negotiations or in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation at the place of registration of the Administrator.

 12.3. Inaction on the part of the Administrator in case of violation by the User of the provisions of this agreement does not deprive the Administrator of the right to take later appropriate actions in defense of his interests and protection of intellectual rights to the materials of the Site protected in accordance with the law.

 12.4. Recognition by the court of any provision of this agreement as invalid or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity of its other provisions.

 13. Administrator details

 Individual entrepreneur Mambetov Ramil Fanilovich

 TIN 563103158075

 OGRNIP 320565800034602

 Account: 40802810832320003874